Fun, Hands-on Minibeast Incursions, Workshops and Exhibitions featuring large, live and colourful Australian Invertebrates.
Free USB resource card with every booking!
Schoolyard Safari Shop featuring Live Minibeasts, Resources and Kits!
LIVE BugZoom Sessions direct from our Blue Mountains Bug Lab.
Public and Private Phobia Exposure / Desensitisation Sessions.
Live Minibeast & Wrangler Hire for Film, Art and Media.
We have over 30 years of professional experience working with Invertebrates (minibeasts) and over 20 years experience delivering the best hands-on incursions, workshops and exhibitions to schools, colleges, libraries, events, holidays programs in NSW & ACT!
To discover more, call (02) 4787 6362 or
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“Thanks so much for the fact sheets. They will come in very handy. Thanks again for the show. All the children (& staff) really enjoyed it and it's a very popular topic at the moment. The photos all came out really well and are hanging around the centre.” Ms Frew (Brontesaurus Pre-school, Bronte)
"They were very excited! Could hardly contain themselves! Jacqui knows her topic well, keeps the kids interests and manages the group with ease" - Mrs Thomas (Stage 2 Teacher, Our Lady of the Nativity School, Lawson)
The students had an excellent response. They were excited to be able to touch and hold the mini-beasts, liked learning about minibeasts not normally readily able to see. Good resource sheets sent well before the show with helpful information. Thanks Jacqui! A really well-organised and interesting talk. Heaps of interaction with the children. The 'hands-on' session was fantastic for the kids. Thanks so much. We really enjoyed it and the children learnt a lot from your presentation - Mrs Cellero (Stage 2 Teacher, St Catherine's College, Singleton)
"Students were very interested and motivated by the experience. Displays were excellent & enthralled the pupils. Children learnt many new facts about handling the insects, very practical, they could not have learnt this from books etc" - Mrs Bailey (Stage 2 Teacher, Cooerwull PS, Lithgow)
“It was an absolute delight to have you visit with us. You held the kids and adults at both Wagga and Tumut enthralled. It is a sure sign of success when a show is over and the kids keep coming back to talk to you and show you their discoveries. We all had a marvellous time”. - Sharon Smith (Riverina District Librarian)