Minibeast Incursions & Exhibitions

  • Fun, Hands-on Minibeast Incursions, Workshops and Exhibitions featuring large, live and colourful Australian Invertebrates.
  • Free USB resource card with every booking!
  • Schoolyard Safari Shop featuring Live Minibeasts, Resources and Kits!
  • LIVE BugZoom Sessions direct from our Blue Mountains Bug Lab.
  • Public and Private Phobia Exposure / Desensitisation Sessions.
  • Live Minibeast & Wrangler Hire for Film, Art and Media.

We have over 30 years of professional experience working with Invertebrates (minibeasts) and over 20 years experience delivering the best hands-on incursions, workshops and exhibitions to schools, colleges, libraries, events, holidays programs in NSW & ACT!

BOOK NOW for 2025!

To discover more, call (02) 4787 6362 or
Email us:

Thanks so much for the fact sheets. They will come in very handy.  Thanks again for the show. All the children (& staff) really enjoyed it and it's a very popular topic at the moment. The photos all came out really well and are hanging around the centre.” Ms Frew (Brontesaurus Pre-school, Bronte)
"They were very excited! Could hardly contain themselves! Jacqui knows her topic well, keeps the kids interests and manages the group with ease"  - Mrs Thomas (Stage 2 Teacher, Our Lady of the Nativity School, Lawson)
The students had an excellent response. They were excited to be able to touch and hold the mini-beasts, liked learning about minibeasts not normally readily able to see. Good resource sheets sent well before the show with helpful information. Thanks Jacqui! A really well-organised and interesting talk. Heaps of interaction with the children. The 'hands-on' session was fantastic for the kids. Thanks so much. We really enjoyed it and the children learnt a lot from your presentation - Mrs Cellero (Stage 2 Teacher, St Catherine's College, Singleton)
"Students were very interested and motivated by the experience. Displays were excellent & enthralled the pupils. Children learnt many new facts about handling the insects, very practical, they could not have learnt this from books etc" - Mrs Bailey (Stage 2 Teacher, Cooerwull PS, Lithgow)
It was an absolute delight to have you visit with us. You held the kids and adults at both Wagga and Tumut enthralled. It is a sure sign of success when a show is over and the kids keep coming back to talk to you and show you their discoveries. We all had a marvellous time”. - Sharon Smith (Riverina District Librarian)